Friday, August 12, 2011

Semiotic Analysis

 BK Super Seven Incher Ad
Assignment 1 – Semiotic Analysis by The Se7en

    The ad is about promoting the world famous fast food franchise Burger King, BK Super Seven Incher that is created by an ad agency in Singapore. Burger King runs a special promotion in Singapore for a limited edition of burgers: the Super Seven Inchers. This ad creates a lot of controversial because it leaves a little to the imagination. The ad pictures a woman of a typical blonde hair, her eyes and mouth are wide open and there is a Burger King beef patty that was about to float right into her mouth and carries the following headline: "IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND AWAY”. The intended audience for this ad is targeted to young adult males. By the text, some people can make assumptions what the ad is trying to show other than promoting the burger while others might think it is just a normal and harmless fast food ad. Clearly the intended message is reinforcing the sexual connotation with the top and bottom visuals of the ad. The subtext is “Super Seven Incher” which directly gives people the idea to a man private part and for this whole ad, males’ element clearly dominating it without even being shown in the ad. While the tagline is “It just tastes better,” basically saying the bigger the better.
    Our sense of organs can recognize an image even though it didn’t tell in direct way but with general knowledge that we have, we can read connotation from the images. With a little information in our knowledge, we can separate the code out from the message. Codes provide framework within sign since meaning of sign depends on the code.  Codes are procedural system of related convention. Codes organize sign into meaningful system that can be correlate signifiers and signified. The conventions of codes represent a social dimension of semiotic. In this advertisement, it says “It’ll blow your mind” and a picture of a women and a burger. If we read the text alone, we assume something that will make our mind explodes but if we read it together with the images we will get a complete different meaning. The images become a text as a whole so we can identify the code within the text. The whole advertisement is a sign but the text “It’ll blow your mind” signifies what are the image is. The concept of the image would be the signified for the advertisement and the images represent how the sign work by itself. By looking at the images, we will be tempted with the burger and starting to drool.
     Apparently this ad has its own double meaning. Burger King has totally lost its subtlety in creating ads as it is associating the ad with sexual acts. The headline and the body text “Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled with the NEW BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER really says it all.  In reality, the headline is grabbing a lot of people’s attention which makes Burger King successful in making the ad to be read by its target audiences. It is obvious that the copywriter trying to make a selling point with the words related to its visual that gives more proof of the double meaning they associates with. This can be considered as explicit ad because it is not being masked by the “subtlety” in words and visuals which allows the ad to be a controversial ad amongst people.  The ad can easily be manipulated with dominant cultural values. It really depends on how people accept it when they see it for the first time or depart from it. Of course not all people are satisfied with the ad as it creates unnecessary attention that are not suitable especially to young children that might not understand what the ad is trying to connect with. As we know, dominant cultural values refer to language, religion, behaviour, values, rituals, and social customs. These values are often the norm for the society as a whole. Therefore, not every culture will be pleased by the ad because it touches on sensitive issues regarding sexual element that is not supposed to be publicly displayed to everyone. Denotation carries the actual meaning they are trying to convey whereas connotation has its own strength of carrying different meanings. The association of images and words from this ad can bring a lot of assumptions by people. It's a unique, creative way for Burger King to draw their target audiences’ attention with a relevant connotation they connect through the ad. From this ad, we can see that the texts used are connotations as they can be manipulated in different types of understandings for viewers. For example, the headline can easily be accepted as a denotation but when we associate it along with the visuals, it widens our perspective of views and gives a lot of interpretations based on each observation.

    Besides that, the body copy of the ad lead people to sexual thinking. The purpose of the ad is only to tell people about the inexpensiveness and the worthiness of buying the product but at the same time it holds double meaning and this attract attention not only to the intended audience but also to the unintended ones while provoking them to buy the product. In order to promote something through a print ad, we have to inject a humour but with a reason, so that when people look at it, they can understand what we want to express. Other than that, colours also play an important role in order to grab attention. As mentioned, the target audience for this ad is to young males, in age of twenty years old to twenty-five years old. Everyone has different approach when they see this ad. It might be positive or negative or even both. In positive perception, for innocent people like kids especially, when they look at the ad, they only look as it is a long big juicy tempting product from Burger King and they might want to get that as soon as possible considering the reasonable price.
      The ‘seven incher’ subtext has influenced the ‘BLOW’ text to emphasize that they purposely intended to lead the audience thought to a specific sexual act. An adult especially will eventually think that way straight away. And the ‘BLOW’ word has been influenced strongly by the body text which says ‘Fill your desire for something LONG, juicy and flame-grilled….’ The ‘LONG’ and ‘seven incher’ words really make sense that people will automatically believe that the ad have the intention to symbolize the ad to that specific sexual element. The meaning of the ad will never be different because the visual and text are coherent to each other obviously and anyone would have the same approach to its meaning unless you are a very innocent girl or boy or a baby. Hence, the meaning will bring the same intention forever unless this specific sexual act becomes a norm to people in future which they will see this as nothing to be ashamed of and they might just pass away this ad after a glance without even take time to read the whole copy. People might get an innocent meaning if only they did not provide that kind of visual because people have nothing to relate of except for the yummy seven incher long burger. Apparently, people will ignore the exact meaning and take only the different perspective instead and the product or service that they provide is nothing other than just a visual, solely, without being able to sell it to people.

      The reality influence from this ad can be the product is the best food that one must have and try although there are meanings in one ad. In reality, the headline is purposely to show that it is the hottest burger that can make one tummy full and forget to eat other foods. In terms of humanity, as clearly mentioned above few times, the ad secretly brings a sexual element with symbols. People rarely take the text as it is because we as an adult, will compute the text into another meaning while this is the  Although the ad is quite funny for some of us but after gazing at this poster it makes us realize how women are being taken advantage of in today’s society. Stereotype of women being exploited and treated as a sex symbol has been used widely in advertising.

    In conclusion, all different kinds of people from different cultures, age groups and ethnicities have their own understanding for this advertisement. People all over the world enjoy Burger King’s product but with this kind of ad, it doesn’t play a good role in educating children plus the product doesn’t sell and it doesn’t seem hygienic to include a sex element in a food advertisement. A good advertisement doesn’t promise a good sale and a successful product doesn’t need to have a good advertisement but a good advertisement somehow can help to contribute on its sale.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Examine a photograph or production still

Findus Fraich’Frites: Grandchildren, 2

photo taken from

This is an ads by  Findus Fraich’Frites titled Grandchildren.The tagline for this ad is Granny’s fries without the Granny.From the image above we can see an old woman hands touching a little girl.We can see the girl expression look bored with the old woman touching her face.By the tagline we can assume the old woman is the little girl grandmother.Findus Fraich Frites create a simple yet nice idea and execution.We can easily understand the meaning of the ad. 

Based on the image shown above, answer the following questions:
1. Who are the communicators?
2. What product or service is being advertised?
3. What are the demographic and psycho graphic characteristics of the audience at which the advertisement is aimed?
4. Which needs and gratifications are addressed in the advertisement?
5. Do the Non-verbal cues in the picture contribute to the non – verbal message? 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reading Characters

Have you watch the film called Titanic?Beside the sinking ship,this film is about a man and woman from different social backgrounds who meet and fall in love aboard the ship during the ill-fated maiden voyage of RMS Titanic.It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater.Jack is portrayed as a penniless artist who has toured various parts of the world.In this movie,he represent as third-class people who is poor and he going everywhere where fate brings him to stay.We can see this at early of the film where he won two tickets onto the Titanic in a poker game and travels as a third-class passenger with his friend .Although he is poor but he has a kind heart.Rose boards the RMS Titanic with her mother and fiance who she was force into an engagement by her mother.She represents as a woman who comes from a wealthy family and board to the ship as a first-class passenger.By her clothing in the movie we can see that Rose comes from high-class society. Jack is attracted to Rose at first sight and meets her when she attempts to jump off the stern of the ship. Things become complex when they are fall in love but the facts is,their love not ever be approve by Rose mother because of their different social background and also Rose is engaged to a wealthy man so her mother can maintain their high-class status after her father's death had left the family debt-ridden.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Connotations and Myths

What is connotations ?
Connotation is a secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its real meaning. Connotation need us to read between the lines which mean understand the real meaning of any specific word or phrase in a language.For example,the meaning of red color in traffic light mean to stop,yellow to prepare to stop and green to proceed.Connotation also make us understand when or where to stop by look at the road sign.

Connotation is used in many successful advertisements.  I think that it is a brilliant way to advertise.Below I have two clothing advertisements that have their own way to speak for their brands. The first advertisement is a Forever 21 advertisement and the second one is Dolce and Gabbana advertisement. 
Forever 21 ads
 What we can see in Forever 21 the way that the model acts and the clothes their wearing clearly this brands are specialty in teenagers clothing.Which mean also this brand are affordable because their targets are teens.

Dolce and Gabbana ads

Different from Forever 21,by look at Dolce and Gabbana ads clearly this brand are targeting for grown ups.The way models in this ads acts classy and wear fur coat and hat is a symbol of rich people.The ads are print in black and white which in Western fashion, black is considered stylish, sexy, elegant and powerful.It was very clear that this is a luxury brand.
Connotation are used to make us understand the differences between this two ads and how the brands talk to us through image in this ads.

From Connotation to Myth

Mythology or ideology are generally social, moral, and political belief systems that are culturally constructed..Myth subtly obscures, distorts and hides truth and reality which mean something we believe from when we are young until now was not exactly true.
For example,below is a obesity ads campaign.They used fast food for the image which represent the causes why kids nowadays had obesity.The message are clearly send to people that fast food are causes of the obesity to the kids.The truth is they’re fat because they eat too many calories and don’t exercise enough.
Wholesome foods take time to prepare time and most parents don’t have because they’re working longer and fast food is made them easy way to feed their kids.
Moreover,unlike previous generations, kids today aren’t allowed for good reason to go outside and play unsupervised, running around all over the place, burning calories until dinner time.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

the ICON, the INDEX and the SYMBOL.

Signs work in different ways as well as on different levels. A sign can be defined as a lettered or patterned board that gave meaning, command, or directions. There are 3 kinds of sign which is the icon,the index and the symbol.


An icon is closely related to the things they represents, the meaning is physically resembles what it `stands for'.

Everyone knows that when they see this icon they must alert when train crossing ahead 

An index is a sign that directly points to the message or instruction.
Anything that focuses the attention is an indexical sign. 

This is an index sign, giving direction and information.

A symbol does not have direct connection to what it represents. The meaning usually needs to be learned through association.

Symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness
This image of ribbon is a symbolize various concerns depending on the colours or the patterns used. For example, black ribbons may be used for mourning.Red ribbon is a symbol for both drug prevention and for the fight against AIDS.Without cultural knowledge, someone might just see this image just a ribbon.

In conclusion,signs have a meaning and some semantic content that is implied or `brought to mind'

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Media and Text in context of Semiotics

What is semiotics?
The shortest definition is that it is the study of signs.The word 'semiotics' comes from the Greek word semeion meaning 'sign'.In a semiotic sense, signs take the form of words, images, sounds, gestures and objects. The study of signs is revealing as the ways in which signs are used, accepted and rejected.

A text, within literary theory, is a coherent set of symbols that transmits some kind of informative message.In context of semiotics a 'text' (such as a printed advertisement, an animated cartoon or a radio news bulletin) is in itself a complex sign containing other signs
For example,look the image below and what it tell you?

If you see someone


CALL 911
In the old days, the image would have been interpreted semiotically as a swimmer's head and two arms waving for help and it seems just like a regular sign which telling people to call for help but nowdays initialisms are created through text message communication which lol means laughing out loud, or laugh out loud.Because of the simple text created by people today,this sign just look like a comment that suggests people should "laugh out loud" at the sight of a drowning person.

For me,i myself have see a lot of signs using text until today and sometime used it  too through text communication like after write something nice or to express my feeling for example,i ending it with text symbol like this "(^.^) " which it show the sign that i'm happy .
