Thursday, July 28, 2011

Examine a photograph or production still

Findus Fraich’Frites: Grandchildren, 2

photo taken from

This is an ads by  Findus Fraich’Frites titled Grandchildren.The tagline for this ad is Granny’s fries without the Granny.From the image above we can see an old woman hands touching a little girl.We can see the girl expression look bored with the old woman touching her face.By the tagline we can assume the old woman is the little girl grandmother.Findus Fraich Frites create a simple yet nice idea and execution.We can easily understand the meaning of the ad. 

Based on the image shown above, answer the following questions:
1. Who are the communicators?
2. What product or service is being advertised?
3. What are the demographic and psycho graphic characteristics of the audience at which the advertisement is aimed?
4. Which needs and gratifications are addressed in the advertisement?
5. Do the Non-verbal cues in the picture contribute to the non – verbal message? 


  1. 1. Media is a mass communicator on mass audience. Their job is to make sure the product information is received by their audience.

    2. Findus Fraich Frites are food product. In this advertisement it show the product are important in daily life.

    3. The demographic and target audience are the same. The target of market is for housewife and a mother.

  2. 1. The kid and Findus Fraich’Frites.

    2. A Findus Fraich’Frites snack.

    3.Demographic: Boys and girls kid at 7-11 years old. Psychographic: Grands' beloved grandchildren, spoiled grandchildren.

    4.The boring expression of the kid being spoiled by her grandmother.

    5. It depends on people, some may get it some may not. For me, yes, the non-verbal cues in the picture does contribute to non-verbal message because the expression of the girl. Based on my understanding, I assume that her granny always make foods to her and was asked to eat but now with this Findus Fraich’Frites, she can get her own snack without having her granny to make one for her.

  3. 1. The granny and the children.

    2. Findus Fraich’ Frites ( French fries by Findus product)

    3. Demographic: Young grandchildren aged 6 to 12 years old.
    Psychographic: Grandparents, parents.

    4. The needs in this ad is shown through the kid who is visiting her grandmother. The gratification is shown when the grandmother is excited and happy to see her grandchildren.

    5. Yes it does. The execution of both emotions from the grandmother and the children contributes to a non-verbal message that can be understood by its target audience. From my interpretation, the message that this ad is trying to tell is the french fries is as good as how the granny does it, but without the granny involve in it.

  4. 1 the communicators of this ads are that kid and Findus Fraich Frites.

    2 the product that being advertised is fast food or instant food like Findus Fraich' Frites

    3 the demographic characteristics of the audience is kids around 6 to 10 years old that love fast food very much,and the psychographic characteristics of the audience for this ads is to show that eating fast food especially fries frequently is not good for health because it contain unhealthy ingredients that are not needed in our body.

    4 the face expression of the kids towards her grandmother,which is she actually not in a good mood.

    5 yes, the non-verbal cues in the picture contribute to the non-verbal messages. audience can understand just by look at the
    reaction of the kid when her grandmother pinch her chicks,and the ads also shows the combination of two generation which is the grandmother and the kid

  5. 1. the communicator is Findus Fraich Frites

    2. the product that was advertised in this ad is the snack that is special made to make the kid remember the granny's love

    3. demographic: grandcild that was still at the age of the kid that was 6 until 12
    psychographic: granny

    4. the kids expression that told she miss her granny so much

    5. yes, it is...^^

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